Compact and citrusy! 'Julia' is a bright orange coneflower that's a member of the Butterfly Kisses series of dwarf varieties. Ideal for tight spaces, this pumpkin-color flower grows just 15 to 18 inches tall.

Sedum 'Pure Joy'
Sedums are a joy of gardening -- they are easy-care, drought-tolerant, and come in a wide range of foliage and flower colors. This new upright sedum offers all that and a bit more. It changes looks every season: In spring, small blue-green serrated leaves emerge, growing into a perfect low mound -- a great asset to the front of the border.

Absolutely the color of a slice of ripe cantaloupe, 'Supreme Cantaloupe' coneflower is gorgeous for bouquets. The young brown-eyed flowers with a frill of double petals resemble gerbera daisies.
2. Make drink station out of Baker's Rack
3. Paint a porch rug from a canvas drop cloth.
4. Nurse your lawn back to health.
5. Paint Chairs and Poly
Look at Young House Love to see how to use this varnish on chairs after painting.
6. Replant vegetable garden. Look at This Website to see how to mix soil/compost and mix eggshells and water for not so hot peppers and tomatoes.
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